Christmas Novena – Day 9

Initial Prayer

It is with joy that we announce the message of Christmas: God became man, He came to live among us.

God is not far away: He is close. Furthermore, He is “Emmanuel”, God-with-us. He is not a stranger: He has a face, the face of Jesus.

Let us pray that this Christmas the face of Jesus may be contemplated by all families and by all men on earth.

Day 9

The Magi “found the Child with Mary, his mother. Prostrating themselves before him, they adored him.” (Mt 2, 11)

The light of Jesus Christ shines at Christmas. We will adore Him represented in all the nativity scenes on earth. Let us therefore adore in silence, while He, still a baby, seems to be telling us: do not be afraid.

God did indeed show his face to us. May his grace not be in vain for us!

Let us seek Jesus, and be attracted by his light, like the Magi in Bethlehem. He is the “Light of the world” which dispels the sadness and fear of man’s heart. Let us approach with confidence and humility to prostrate ourselves to worship Him.

Closing Prayer

In the silence of that night in Bethlehem, Jesus was born and lovingly welcomed.

Who is ready to open their heart this Christmas?

Who watches, in the night of doubt and uncertainty, with a heart awake and in prayer?

Who awaits for the dawn of the new day, keeping the flame of faith lit?

Who has time to listen to His words and be fascinated by His love?

Christ comes to bring light to us. He comes to give us peace, too!

Yes, His message of peace is for everyone, it is for everyone who comes to offer himself as a sure hope of salvation.

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