When I pray before thy image, when, in thought I am transported to thy shrine, my Mother, sweet Virgin of Lourdes, remember me.
Thou, who dost never abandon one who invokes thee, comforter of the afflicted, special protectress of those who suffer, my Mother, sweet Virgin of Lourdes, remember me.
Inexhaustible fount of goodness, when in my thirst I fly to thee to find God, my Mother, sweet Virgin of Lourdes, remember me.
Here, I stand, to intercede for the Church and for my country, for sinners for all my loved es, my Mother, sweet Virgin of Lourdes, remember me.
Here, I stand, to tell thee of my pains, to confide to thee my woes, and those of all who suffer. I come to thee to pray for my relatives and friends who have already gone to meet God. My Mother, sweet Virgin of Lourdes, remember me.
At the hour of my death, at the moment when I shall depart for the Father’s House, thou, who art my hope, my Mother, sweet Virgin of Lourdes, remember me.
Mother Immaculate, may I one day be with thee in Heaven, to praise and bless the Lord for all eternity. My Mother, sweet Virgin of Lourdes, remember me.